by their Equipment in their Hands
Flesh - Unarmed, Claws, Teeth, etc.
Flesh - Unarmed, Claws, Teeth, etc.
by Manufacturers (Mfg)
Citadel, Crocodile, Grenadier, Hasselfree, Heartbreaker, Heritage, Parker Brothers, Rackham, Ral Partha, Reaper, Superior Models, Wizards of the Coast
Citadel, Crocodile, Grenadier, Hasselfree, Heartbreaker, Heritage, Parker Brothers, Rackham, Ral Partha, Reaper, Superior Models, Wizards of the Coast
by Race
Anthro/Were-Creatures - Centuars, Minotaurs, Satyrs, Shifters, & other Animal Hybrids
Elfkin - Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, etc
Demonkin - Demons, Imps, Tieflings, etc.
Dwarf - Dwarves or Dwarven Lineage
Halflings - Halflings, Gnomes, Hobbits, Nelwyns
Monster - Anything which doesn't currently have a designation (until updated)
Orcish - Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, etc
Spirits - Elementals, Ghosts, etc.
Undead - Vampires, Ghouls, Zombie, etc.
by their Role in the Party
Caster - any spellcaster or specified magic user (not including implements)
Melee - any basic melee user
Ranged - specificly designated ranged (physical) fighter
Anthro/Were-Creatures - Centuars, Minotaurs, Satyrs, Shifters, & other Animal Hybrids
Elfkin - Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, etc
Demonkin - Demons, Imps, Tieflings, etc.
Dwarf - Dwarves or Dwarven Lineage
Halflings - Halflings, Gnomes, Hobbits, Nelwyns
Monster - Anything which doesn't currently have a designation (until updated)
Orcish - Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, etc
Spirits - Elementals, Ghosts, etc.
Undead - Vampires, Ghouls, Zombie, etc.
by their Role in the Party
Caster - any spellcaster or specified magic user (not including implements)
Melee - any basic melee user
Ranged - specificly designated ranged (physical) fighter
Information - anything pertaining to this blog, non-miniature cataloging.
HTTYD - How To Train Your Dragon
Star Wars - specific minis aquired for Star Wars theme
Unknown - I have no fucking idea where/what this miniature came from.