Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tags Legend

Alrighty given the forthcoming overhaul I'm in the process of completing I need at least a placeholder thread to identify my tags.

by their Equipment in their Hands
Flesh - Unarmed, Claws, Teeth, etc.

by Manufacturers (Mfg)
Citadel, Crocodile, Grenadier, Hasselfree, Heartbreaker, Heritage, Parker Brothers, Rackham, Ral Partha, Reaper, Superior Models, Wizards of the Coast

by Race
Anthro/Were-Creatures - Centuars, Minotaurs, Satyrs, Shifters, & other Animal Hybrids
Elfkin - Elves, Drow, Half-Elves, etc
Demonkin - Demons, Imps, Tieflings, etc.
Dwarf - Dwarves or Dwarven Lineage
Halflings - Halflings, Gnomes, Hobbits, Nelwyns
Monster - Anything which doesn't currently have a designation (until updated)
Orcish - Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, etc
Spirits - Elementals, Ghosts, etc.
Undead - Vampires, Ghouls, Zombie, etc.

by their Role in the Party
Caster - any spellcaster or specified magic user (not including implements)
Melee - any basic melee user
Ranged - specificly designated ranged (physical) fighter

Information - anything pertaining to this blog, non-miniature cataloging.
HTTYD - How To Train Your Dragon
Star Wars - specific minis aquired for Star Wars theme
Unknown - I have no fucking idea where/what this miniature came from.

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